In Ohio State's statsitics program, students will explore each of these areas in their course work. They will also develop statistical, computational and numerical skills that are applicable in fields including agriculture, business, education, science and engineering, finance, medicine, and the social sciences.
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An undergraduate degree in statistics from The Ohio State University prepares students for entry-level positions in these fields as well as for graduate study. Statistics majors receive a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from the College of Arts and Sciences. Details can be …
Katedra slavistiky se skládá ze tří oddělení. Oddělení polonistiky zajišťuje výuku v jednooborových i dvouoborových studijních programech Polská filologie (Polský jazyk a literatura) v rámci bakalářského a navazujícího magisterského studia. Body. The Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University offers a Master of Applied Statistics, Master of Science in Statistics, a PhD in Statistics and jointly offers a PhD in Biostatistics with the College of Public Health.
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